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The Penguin Project has been completely self-sustaining from a financial perspective. All of the production costs are covered through ticket sales and underwriting, including overhead for the Theatre.  This could not be achieved without an extensive commitment from our volunteers who contribute their time in support of all aspects of the production.  We now have established a partnership with the Illinois Prairie Community Foundation.  This allows contributions to The Penguin Project of McLean County to be considered a contribution to a 501(c)3 for tax purposes.
The Penguin Project appreciates your donation to help make this year's production our best one yet!

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These buttons are for show weekend in-house electronic payment options:

"Our penguins may not be able to fly, but that does not prevent their spirits from soaring."


Our program is partially funded by grants from Illinois Arts Council, Illinois Prairie Community Foundation, 

Kiwanis Club of Normal & Town of Normal Harmon Arts Fund.

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